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5 Essential Tips to Market Your Business on Facebook

Facebook Marketing Strategies

If you have a Facebook Page for your company or brand, and you’ve thought about attracting high quality fans to your page, then you would have already heard about the basic marketing strategies that you readily find on the Internet. To push your Facebook Marketing to the next level, here are five essential strategies you should use to build a Facebook fan base, and ultimately, drive traffic and generate income for your business.

1. Put a Face on Your Facebook Cover

Obviously, before fans or visitors to your page start engaging your Facebook Page, they take time to look at your Timeline Cover, first. That means placing great photos on your Cover can influence fans and visitors as well. Bet you knew that, too.

But did you know that when you put faces of people on your Cover, you’re going to get more attention? Yes, research has shown that Facebook Pages whose Covers featured faces on them received higher likes from fans. Try this out and you might just get a bump on your likes.

2. Not Just What – But When To Post

Content is king. We’ve heard that a thousand times. And of course, content is king. But if no one is around when you posted that great content on your Facebook Timeline, who’s going care?

It’s very important to know when most of your fans are generally online. This provides you with a ready audience who will see and appreciate your post by liking or commenting. And when they do engage your content by liking and commenting, they are helping spread the news about your Facebook page to other fans and Facebook users as well.

3. Learn the Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a fantastic free tool that lets you look at the numbers of your Facebook Page. Even if you aren’t a numbers person, this tool can give you some quick and useful information to gauge how your Facebook Page is doing. Is it reaching the right users? Is engagement increasing? Did you receive new likes? Insights can help you answer all of these questions. It’s an effective way to monitor your Facebook Page’s progress.

4. Like Your Competitors

On Facebook. I meant like your competitor’s Facebook Pages. This is a great way to keep in tabs with what your competitors are doing right now. If you really want to convert more Facebook users, engage your fans more effectively and perhaps upgrade your marketing strategy, then you should check in on how your competitors are doing.

After all, if they are on Facebook, they are probably scrambling with their marketing strategies in an effort to get to the top. If you see that they don’t seem to be too successful at it, you can learn from what they are doing wrong. That way, you can easily avoid the same pitfalls that they might have dug for themselves.

When a competitor’s Facebook Page seems to be doing good, then it’s time for you to go to school. Find out as much as you can about what they are doing right? Check out their content. What are they posting? What are their fans talking about? What posts got the most likes? Things like that. What you will learn from your competitor’s marketing strategies can help you as well.

5. Create a Community

Engagement, conversion, call to action, referrals – all of these can be possible if you make your Facebook Page a real online community. By making sure that fans are welcome, treated well, and are provided great service, they won’t be just fans, they can become super fans. Super fans are the ones who can tell other people about your product or services, share your online content, even ask their friends to like your page (did you know that people trust their friends more than they trust advertisements?). You can reap all of these benefits by taking care of your fans and turning your Facebook Page into a real online community.

There you go, if you want to upgrade your Facebook Marketing Strategy, you can take these steps and implement it on your Facebook Page. By taking your marketing strategy to another level, you can also enjoy another level of fan engagement on your Facebook Page.


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