Best Books and Resources for Email Marketing (Updated for 2017)
Email marketing has been proven to be the most effective marketing method time and time again. So if you are not building an email list,...
34 Best Resources for Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) (Updated for 2017)
Pay-Per-Click Advertising, or PPC, is one of the most effective traffic generation techniques. Advertisers target keywords or...
50 Best Resources for Creating and Selling Information Products (Infoproducts) (Updated for 2017)
An Information Product, or Infoproduct, is a product that sells information. It can be a report, ebook, online course, newsletter series,...
9 Best Books on Social Media Marketing (Updated for 2017)
Everyone seems to be a social media marketing expert these days. Listening to a pseudo expert is dangerous. The best way to learn is to...
9 Public Speaking Tips to Wow Your Audience (Even If English Is Not Your First Language)
Like many of you, I was very afraid of public speaking. Who am I kidding? I still am. Living in a foreign country, giving a presentation...
10 Tips for Writing Titles That Generate Clicks and Sales
Think of your title as bait. People should take it. It serves as a door or window to the rest of your content. If people see a dull...
Brand Building and Cows
How would you feel if you were branded as the guy who accidentally burned down a dormitory with a toaster? To think that you’ve always...
7 Steps to Build a Successful Business
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” When you’re starting your own...
How to Provide Excellent Customer Service
When you sell a product or offer a service, you just don’t come forward and offer your product or service on a platter and expect...
How to Hire on a Shoestring Budget with Smart Outsourcing
Imagine having coffee, eating breakfast – while someone from the other side of the world is editing web content for you… and that it’s...